collage printed on paper of:
charcoal on paper, oil on paper, archival images, photographs taken in our home
Brush stroke over the nuclear family
In our case we spent a long quarantine which was an occasion for reflection and a thriving moment of artistic production. We started thinking about ”nuclear family” took shape in America: a traditional, heterosexual and perfect family model. Soon the contradictions of this social mask emerge, suitable only for non-thinking individuals. The current quarantine condition has made us think even more about the contradictions of the nuclear family (currently families in Italy, with the exception of working members, are blocked at home and often do not have the necessary space to live together peacefully), which we have tried to represent deformed and crazy.
Thus, some collages printed in a small poster format (2 x 3,5 cm/3,5 x 2 cm), take up the imagery (ar- chive photos, slogans and vintage graphics) of the nuclear family of the fifties, but the trait of the drawings is nervous and shows psychopathy, anxiety and uncertainty about the future. In many collages, domestic details of a declining apartment are the background, to suggest both the collapse of the psyche in quarantine, and the possibility of glimpsing art even in the trash.

The collective Autonomia Artistica was born in January 2019 and is formed by Andrea Caira (Cosenza, 1991) and Arianna Cavigioli (Milan, 1995). Andrea Caira has a five-year degree in Political Science, with a thesis research on the representation of the Spanish popular imagination on ETA by a Basque newspaper and two Spaniards. Reporting coordinator at POP ( and collaborates with La Riscossa, the Intellettuale Dissidente, and Cosenza Channel.

Arianna Cavigioli is a graduate of the two-year course in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies and graduated in the three-year course of Painting and Visual Arts with a thesis that analyzes exhibition display experiences through case studies and proposes a museum model that escapes the logic of the White Cube.